How I got rid of my hepatitis and fat liver Even though I’ve had Hepatitis for 20 years,

I still have stomach pain, feel sick, and throw up at night.

For anyone who has been told they have Hepatitis A or B: Trust me, I know how you feel. Going to the hospital to give blood and being told you have hepatitis is a terrible feeling, but it’s not the end of the world.

Whether it’s the carrier type or the chronic type, both can easily be turned around and made negative.

Does your hepatitis cause fever, tiredness, loss of hunger, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, dark pee, light-colored stools, joint pain, or yellowing of the eyes?
Or, if you have the carrier type that doesn’t have any signs but you still want to get rid of it, I’ll tell you what I did to get rid of my hepatitis and fatty liver.

My name is Johnson Raymond, and I’m 49 years old. I was diagnosed with hepatitis in 1996 when I was a young man in Ibadan, and before I went to Lagos in 2002, there was nothing I didn’t try—call them western medications or indigenous herbal remedies. Some of the drugs, like Livolin, made me feel less pain, but the relief I experienced didn’t last more than six months before the agony returned. When I arrived in Lagos, I went to many hospitals in quest of a long-term fix. Some physicians offered me hope, while others told me there is no treatment for hepatitis and I should just put up with it until I pass away. Only those who have hepatitis can comprehend the agony. Symptoms of jaundice include fever, exhaustion, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, dark urine, light-colored feces, and joint pain.

I was always receptive to advice from my physicians and close friends who understood what I was going through; sometimes it goes away but comes back long later.


The natural therapies I tested are listed below.


Chicken eggs
whole grain cereal or bread
Rye and oatmeal made with Yoruba ewe eyin olobe
The above were the local remedies that helped me, but only temporarily. I also recalled how, since I continued boiling leaves, I almost started a local concussion epidemic. I spent a lot of money buying various medications both online and offline because I was desperate for relief, but did any of them work? NO! They failed to.


While some may begin promisingly, they never lasted three months before the aches returned. My years of suffering taught me a lot. You should educate yourself on all aspects of hepatitis and fatty liver if you have it or even simply suspect that you may have it.


This crucial information might set you on the correct path straight away and save you months of needless worry and misery.


“This illness seems to be non-threatening, but if it is not treated for a long time, it may cause liver failure and even death. Let me share with you how I came upon this miracle cure, which has helped me become a happier guy today.


Dr. Ali Isa, who works at the Aniyun hospital in Gbagada, Lagos, was one of my pals as a result of my hopping from hospital to hospital. Dr. Ali and I spoke about how long I have had the hepatitis, the type of medication I have taken, and whether there has been an improvement since I started taking it. It was one of those difficult days when I was experiencing very severe pain. He was sent to check on me.


I told him about how I had spent a lot of money but had not yet found a long-term answer. He revealed to me there that I had previously been with more than 50 physicians for the same condition, but they had not been as forthcoming as Dr. Ali. Sad thing, maybe it was because he wasn’t a Nigerian. He provided me one example, saying that a person with malaria might have symptoms like a headache or fever. I agreed with a head nod. He re-asked, “What is the best thing to do to make the headache and fever go away, taking Panadol for the headache and fever to go away?”


I said, “No, treating malaria is best because it will make the fever and headache go away.”


He continued by explaining to me that the pharmaceutical industry only promotes medications that will treat the symptoms of hepatitis rather than the primary treatment since they are aware that if you recover, they will lose money. That is why they continue to saturate us with medications that, although occasionally effective, only mask symptoms. He helped me to see that the majority of medical professionals and the pharmaceutical industry prioritize profit above complete healing in order to keep patients in their bonds for as long as they see fit.


I begged him, sadly, “Is there truly a permanent treatment for hepatitis? He confirmed for me. I said to myself, “So there is a cure after all these years, but my doctors won’t talk to me?” As my cheeks began to tear up, I had the will to question him, “Dr. Is it that the medicine is too costly or that we cannot obtain it here in Nigeria?


He said, “I don’t think it’s really about it being expensive, but those drugs aren’t popular. Like I said before, pharmaceutical industries only promote what will give them money continuously, not what will completely cure people.”


The terrible part is that it’s not widely available on the market, he said, adding that his unit imports the remedy from China for select unique patients and gives it to top hospitals in the USA, China, Canada, and other African countries who are experiencing the same problem. I returned to meet with him as arranged after he requested me to see him in a week.


He gave me a sealed brown packet. He said these words. Mr. Ola, this shipment arrived yesterday since I had to buy it from China because I couldn’t access the special packets at this hospital, he said, adding, “This is for you.”


$400 total, including delivery; do not open here; wait till you get home. He said, “I have written the prescriptions and the length of time you will need to take them for complete healing.” I started asking questions right away. Dr. Ali, you say $400? At that time, one dollar was worth 350 naira. Yes, he answered. It’s worthwhile; I dare you to complete the medicines within the allotted time, he remarked.


I didn’t have the whole 140,000 naira with me, but I was willing to pay everything to save me from years of suffering. Dr. Ali surprisingly told me, “Mr. Ola, do not worry about the money because it came to me as a challenge to help you,” which surprised me. Though I had nothing to say, I insisted on paying even though I couldn’t see what was inside the sealed envelope.

I began using it right away after meeting Dr. Ali, and guess what?

I couldn’t believe what happened next. Almost 40 days after starting the supplement. The three packets lasted for 90 days, and my life improved to the point where I could relax.


Sleepless nights, an abdominal discomfort that seems like it’s gnawing or burning, hunger loss, nausea, vomiting, eye yellowing, weight loss, headaches, diarrhea or constipation, feeling unwell, dizziness, and rashes are all gripping! Before going back to see Dr. Ali, I wanted to be certain. I visited my usual diagnostic facility for confirmatory testing to further verify the efficacy of the treatment. Test results for blood and liver function were negative. He didn’t believe it at first and still doesn’t think my hepatitis is gone.


The next day, I grabbed some empty pill bottles and dashed back to the Primus Specialist Hospital in Karu, Abuja, to pay Dr. Yusuf Ali 100,000 naira instead of the 80,000 naira we had previously agreed upon. However, his secretary broke the most devastating news of my life to me. A week before I arrived, Dr. Yusuf Ali was moved to India, and his old secretary refused to give me her contact information there. I was dejected as I left, wishing I had been able to see him sooner. However, thanks to the instruction sheet I got with the capsules, I was able to find out where he had bought the medicine when I got home.


After a year and a half had gone by with no trace of hepatitis or symptoms, I decided to take it as a challenge to assist other hepatitis and fatty liver patients, whether they were carriers or chronic sufferers. I then made the decision to import some of the medications for some folks I knew were battling hepatitis using the money I was going to give Dr. Ali. Needless to say, it was effective for them! When I was certain that this treatment always worked, I began telling other patients about it. And each and every one of them has had amazing outcomes.


If you’re one of the many men and women who have given up on treating their hepatitis and fatty liver issues and think there’s no hope, today I bring you hope! Because I’ve been there, trust me. I sometimes ponder if anybody else living has endured worse than I did. I’ve had a difficult time, so I believe I have a higher chance of advising anybody who is now experiencing the problem on how to handle it and prevent spending money. I’ve been treating ulcers ever since I was a very small child. When I was 35 years old, I almost passed away. Even though I’m getting close to 50 years old, I still want the whole world to be aware of my groundbreaking discovery.




The full packages come with money back guarantee if you don't get a negative result after complete treatment. If you know the cost of liver transplant you wont say this is costly There is just about 28 bottles remaining and we are giving them out on a first come, first serve note, don't worry about the lockdown, we are delivering NATIONWIDE EVERYDAY..

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