Be it low sperm count, no/zero sperm, low sperm motility, sperm morphology disorder, erectile dysfunction, varicocele, premature ejaculation, or any other related cases

You will not only be able to enjoy good, long-lasting sweet sex, but also be able to impregnate your partner!

Male infertility refers to a male’s inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. In humans, male infertility accounts for 40-50% of infertility and it affects approximately 7% of all men.

Below is a typical testimony from one of the numerous men that made use of the solution you are about to access below;

No matter the type of male infertility you are facing, you too can have your testimony very soon if you embrace what we are about to share with you on this page.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ICMART), failure to conceive is defined as clinical infertility if pregnancy is not achieved after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

While either one or both of the partners may contribute to the reproductive challenges of the couple, male infertility, like female infertility, is a clinical diagnosis that can only be determined after formal assessment and testing.


As you can see in the table above, male infertility could come in different forms with each of the forms having it’s causes.

How Common is Male Infertility?
As there are different strokes for different folks, so it is when it comes to male infertility in men. You can have 10 men with cases of infertility but presenting it in different forms and with different causes. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult to have a one-size-fits-all approach that will work for everyone exactly the same way.

Men are equally a cause of infertility as women
In this part of the world, the blame of infertility (lack of pregnancy in marriage) is always put on the woman. As you can see in the image above, facts from all angles say otherwise.

Consider The Following

  • How do you feel each time your wife runs a pregnancy test and it’s negative after several attempts of sex and after months/years of marriage?

  • How do you feel every time you have sex and you don’t last more than 2 minutes before ejaculating?

  • How do you think your partner feels when you can’t satisfy her on bed? That your work is demanding and you are stressed does not mean you can’t enjoy good sex with your partner!

  • How do you feel about the small size of your penis that’s not enough to satisfy your partner?

  • How do you feel each time you receive your sperm test (SFA) result only to realise the count is still very low, the morphology is still bad and the motility is not good enough too?

Your Solution Has Come At Last!




The Male Infertility Remedy Kit Offers
Lasting and Guaranteed Natural Solution For;
Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia)

This is most often the cause of male infertility. The vast majority of male infertility issues stem from a low sperm count. A low sperm count happens when a man’s semen doesn’t’ have enough sperm. The Male Infertility Remedy Kit contains highly potent herbal formula that will naturally boost your sperm count and your SFA will confirm this after using it.

No/Zero Sperm (Azoospermia)

Azoospermia is defined as the complete lack of sperm in the ejaculate. It occurs in 5% of infertile men. If this is the case, then one or both of two conditions below may be present;
1. There is a problem with sperm production.
2. There is a blockage such that sperm production, although normal, cannot reach the ejaculate.

No matter what the cause of your azoospermia is, it will be taken care of with the Kit.

Low Sperm Motility

sperm motility

This is the next most common cause of male infertility. If a man’s sperm don’t move forward at a reasonable rate to catch up with the egg produced by his partner for fertilization, you’re going to have a hard time impregnating a woman.

If you currently have low motility, be rest assured that your sperm will come alive and the motility will increase with the use of the Kit.

Abnormal Sperm (Morphology issues)

Abnormal Sperm (Morphology issues)

When a man’s sperm isn’t developing correctly and have an abnormal shape, it will affect as the sperm won’t be able to fertilize an egg and this will lead to infertility. This is another prevailing cause of infertility in men and the good news is that it can be corrected with herbs with no side effect.


Varicocele remedy plan b wellness
A varicocele is a swelling of the veins that drain the testicle. It’s the most common reversible cause of male infertility. Although, the exact reason that varicoceles cause infertility is unknown, it may be related to abnormal testicular temperature regulation. Varicoceles result in reduced quality of the sperm.

As said above, varicocele is very treatable and the products in the Kit, as you will see below will help you take care of this.


male infertility infection

Some infections can interfere with sperm production or sperm health or can cause scarring that blocks the passage of sperm. These include inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis) or testicles (orchitis) and some sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea or HIV.


A treatment for infertility won’t be complete without having something to detox the body of infections and unwanted toxins and free radicals.

Ejaculation issues

premature ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm instead of emerging out the tip of the penis. Various health conditions can cause retrograde ejaculation, including diabetes, spinal injuries, medications, and surgery of the bladder, prostate or urethra.

Antibodies That Attack Sperm

Antibodies That Attack Sperm

Anti-sperm antibodies are immune system cells that mistakenly identify sperm as harmful invaders and attempt to eliminate them.

Hormone Imbalances

hormone imbalance in male

Male infertility can result from disorders of the testicles themselves or an abnormality affecting other hormonal systems including the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands. Low testosterone (male hypogonadism) and other hormonal problems have a number of possible underlying causes. With the Remedy Kit, be rest assured of a balanced hormones.

Defects of Tubules that Transport Sperm

Defects of Tubules that Transport Sperm

Many different tubes carry sperm. They can be blocked due to various causes, including inadvertent injury from surgery, prior infections, trauma, or abnormal development, such as cystic fibrosis or similar inherited conditions.

Problems with Sexual Intercourse (Erectile Dysfunction)

erectile dysfunction

These can include trouble keeping or maintaining an erection sufficient for sex (erectile dysfunction), premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, anatomical abnormalities such as having a urethral opening beneath the penis (hypospadias), or psychological or relationship problems that interfere with sex.

Three Unique Benefits of Our Male Infertility Remedy Kit


The Result is Permanent

Once you are able to overcome your infertility challenge by using the Kit, the result will be permanent. No need of repeating the treatment over and over again. 

No Negative Side-effects

Our Male Infertility Remedy Kit comprises of 100% natural, safe, and highly powerful herbs with no negative side effects. No danger on your fertility or general health. 

Personalized Holistic Therapy

We make each Remedy Kit with the actual user in mind. With our pre-treatment questionnaire, you are assured of a therapy that is unique for you based on your peculiar need. 


Check this great feedback out

From infertility to pregnancy…

male infertility treatment testimony from Plan B Wellness



What Does the Male Infertility Remedy Kit Contain?

100% Natural Herbal Products

Our Male Infertility Remedy Kit contains different kinds of highly potent herbal products that help to reverse infertility in men with no negative side effects – no matter the type of infertility case it involved.

That’s not all, you will also have Herbal products for liver cleansing, body cleansing as well as fertility cleaning to cleanse your entire body system of toxin.

Contained in the package are also herbs for hormone balancing and fertility improvement as well as sexual performance. 

Diet & Healthy Lifestyle Guide

In most cases, drugs alone are not enough to overcome some health challenges. Many cases of Male Infertility fall into this category.

In order to make your therapy with us more holistic and potent, you will receive our e-book guide on Diet & Lifestyle Changes to Overcome Male Infertility.

The e-book also contains several homemade recipes you can make on your own to improve sexual performance, bring about the production of healthy and quality sperm cells and also break up blockages in the tubules that transport semen. 

Applying the lessons in this e-book will not only help you get a faster result, it will also make the result you get from the treatment permanent and sustainable as the healthy diet and lifestyle that you need to keep your fertility intact will become a habit.

Weekly Follow-up Call by an Expert

To make sure your therapy goes on well, get your feedback and also guide you on personalized diet and lifestyle changes that will directly help you recover fast, expect to hear from one of our in-house experts once a week (or based on your own scheduled timing).

Via these calls, personalized dietary plans can be made for you and adequate tailored changes can be recommended for you based on your lifestyle and personality. 

We go this extra mile for you to ensure that you get the best out of the Remedy.

Prices for Different Versions of the Male Infertility Remedy



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HI there, im interested in the men fertility booster product can i get it ?